Unlock Your Inner Radiance: A Summer Solstice Breathwork & Meditation Journey

June 20, 2024 @ 5:00 PM PT

Elevate Your Spirit and Embrace the Power of Breath

Harness the Power of Summer Solstice

Join us for an empowering journey of self-discovery & connection as we honor the Summer Solstice with a transformative breathwork & meditation class.

What to Expect:

Breathwork: Experience somatic release through a 3-part conscious connected breathing pattern, visualizations, affirmations, & intentional music sequencing.

Guided Meditation: Activate your personal power with guided visualizations designed to align you with your truth.

Connection: Super charge your intentions with a like-spirited collective, embracing personal power through conscious community.

Who Can Join:

This class welcomes individuals of all backgrounds & levels of experience who are ready to tap into their inner power & cultivate deeper connections with themselves & others.

Reserve Your Spot Today:

Limited spaces available. Secure your place now to embark on this empowering journey of self-discovery & connection.

Investment: $25

We Look Forward to Celebrating the Magic of Summer Solstice Together!

Your Solstice Guides

Dr. Cyndi Maurer, PhD

With 15 years of intuitive teaching, I blend academic insights & energy work for personal growth. Join me for the Summer Solstice to explore mindfulness & holistic well-being. I'll guide you through practices designed to harness the season's vibrant energy. Let's celebrate and grow together.

Cara Catalina

As a breathwork facilitator & sound healer, I am passionate about guiding individuals on transformative journeys of self-discovery to empower self-healing. Using the harmonic resonance of sound coupled with the rhythmic flow of breath I aim to create sacred space for individuals to safely explore the deepest part of themselves.

Unlock Your Inner Radiance:

A Summer Solstice Breathwork & Meditation Journey

Date: June 20th, 2024

Time: 5:00 - 6:30 PM PT | 8:00 - 9:30 PM ET

Location: Zoom

What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is an active meditation practice that cleanses the body of stuck energy. By using a repetitive breath pattern to flush the body with oxygen, you allow yourself to drop into an altered state & clear the body.

Participants commonly experience a release (emotional, spiritual, and/or physical), deep relaxation, & heightened clarity after a session. This powerful self-healing practice allows us to step fully into the role of being our own healers.⁠

Got It, But Is This For Me?

If you’re ready to experience a new meditation modality, if you are interested in actively noticing & using your breath & you are intrigued (or enjoy) guided meditation that focuses on healing, you should probably just sign up now.

 Into the Known 

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