Work With Me

What happens when you put yourself at the center of your story? When you begin to understand that you are the only main character in your book of life? And that a lot of that noise, chatter & demand isn’t even your own? 

A clairvoyant session offers just that! It puts you at the center & begins to unpack all that noise & demand around you while validating where you are & acknowledging the limitations & invalidations in your space. Every session begins with looking at where you are on your wander in this lifetime & from there, we address the areas of your life where you feel stuck & answer the questions you bring to the session.

Clairvoyant Reading vs. Energy Healing...
Which do I need?

A clairvoyant reading offers insight & clarity to specific questions. It can address areas of stagnation, limits & blocks. The intention of a clairvoyant reading is to help you find your certainty & next steps. Readings are a collaboration & there is a lot of talking. 

An energy healing clears energy that is not yours &/or no longer supports your growth & wander. During an energy healing session, there is less talking & a lot of what occurs is described through color. An energy healing may address one specific healing request or a range of experiences. 

Reading & healing occurs in both types of sessions & you don’t need to know what you want before you book. The more important thing to understand is that a reading is about clarity & a healing is about releasing. Both will help you find your own information & your next steps.

Myth vs Fact

Over the years, I have gotten a lot of questions about being clairvoyant & a lot of these show up in consultations. So let’s dispel some myths!


You can tell the future


Nope! Not even close. We live in a universe of free will, which means there are so many possible outcomes & options available to us. While we may place our energy into the future, there are no guaranteed outcomes & anyone who tells you otherwise isn’t worth their money.


You have all the answers / you’ll advise me / you’ll tell me what to do


My role is to help you find your own answers, not give them to you. You already have all your answers, but sometimes it helps to have someone show you & put language to what you’re trying to see, create & achieve. I don’t want to be any more responsible for your life than you’d like me to be!


Ominous things will emerge in my reading & you’ll uncover all my secrets


Fun fact: energy is neutral; it’s not good or bad. Interpretation comes naturally to us. Sessions are set to offer clients the insight & language they need to find their next steps. I have no intention of uncovering your truths or scaring you with apocalyptic prophecies.


A single session will provide me with all my answers & heal all the pain in my space


If only! Clarity is a life-long process & while you’re likely to receive some answers, you’ll always have more questions. Thankfully not all questions require a clairvoyant answer! 

Healing is also a process. Like healing your body or healing your emotions, energy healing takes time & sometimes requires multiple sessions. I always go at the pace of my client.


You’ll Google me


Aww. This might be my favorite query. Ladies & gentlemen & everyone in between, I do not have time to look you up on the interwebs. You are fascinating, for sure, but learning where you went to school, looking at your social media & reading your high school blog doesn’t really help me help you. I’ve 100% read popular people with no clue.

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1-on-1 Consultation

Learn about what I offer & how I might support your next steps in a free 15 minute consultation.




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About Me

I specialize in working with individuals in transition - helping them say hello to their next steps, find their next level of capability, and sort through the noise that is life, challenges, and resistance.

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