How My Wander Began

As a child, I made uncomfortable, yet accurate, comments about people, place, and experiences. My imagination was active, but more often than not, I was actually correct in my child 'musings.' My parents always told me to follow my gut, my instinct, and that no one, including them, should override those instincts. This became my inner compass, my inner voice.

I questioned moments others went along with for the sake of adults, and moved forward into dangerous situations without a second thought, almost always coming away unscathed. Although not every situation was equal, when I ignored my intuition I found myself in a place of pain and discomfort that was not self-imposed.

"...when I ignored my intuition I found myself in a place of  pain and discomfort that was not self-imposed."

The past 10+ years have been spent dedicating time to spiritual and personal development for myself and others. I began to specialize in working with individuals in transition - helping them say hello to their next steps, find their next level of capability, and sort through the noise that is life, challenges, and resistance. My goal is to meet people where they are, help them find their own information, & find their next steps.

 Into the Known 

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