Let’s Help You Get Back to The Person You Were Before The World Told You How to Be.

Learn how to be the main character of your story with an insightful clairvoyant reading with Cyndi designed to help you uncover your true path.

Your Wander with Me Includes...

Guided by Your

Higher Self

Your higher self, acting as your intuition or spirit, leads the session to ensure you receive the most appropriate knowledge & healing without going beyond your comfort zone.

Current Energetic State

Each session begins with a short description of your current spiritual state, highlighting the energies you're releasing & the wisdom you're inviting, providing a clear path for where you are headed.

Personalized Starting Point

Each session is uniquely tailored to you. We'll uncover the specific energies at play & the personal wisdom you're cultivating, setting a customized foundation for your growth & direction.

Facilitated Self-Healing

Energy healing is integral to all sessions, working with your own energy to foster self-healing. Healing archetypes like Mother Mary & Lilith can be incorporated to support your process.

Exploration of

Past Lives

Your session can include insights from past lives & your Akashic Records, tapping into the wisdom accumulated over multiple lifetimes.

Connection with

Spirit Guides

Relevant spirit guides, ancestors, & past loved ones may join your session, offering insights & guidance tailored to your current questions & life areas.

What Does A Session Look Like?

An Energetic Ethnography Session is a mini-exploration into your energy field & the energy of your life. Using my clairvoyance - the ability to see energy - I look at your energy field, the areas of life where you’d like communication & support, & how unseen, cultural & societal forces influence you. 

Combining education in anthropology, ethnography, psychology, & childhood studies with intuitive training focused on self-healing, neutrality, autonomy, & agency, I seamlessly integrate the mystical with the scientific to transform your life.

Do You...

  • Struggle with people-pleasing tendencies?
  • Lack clarity over your life’s decisions or identity?
  • Feel like other people have too much influence over your thoughts and feelings?
  • Override your intuition in favour of other people’s advice?
  • Feel like you are connected to something greater but don’t know how to access it yet?

What If…

  • You learned how to make choices for yourself: What would you want to do differently? How would it feel for you to live life on your terms?
  • You could break your people-pleasing patterns and empower yourself to make bigger, brighter decisions?
  • You felt consistently confident and clear about the direction your life is going in?

Hi. I’m Cyndi, The Energetic Ethnographer

You might not have heard a title like that before, but maybe you’re more familiar with the term clairvoyant, which is what I do: I offer energetic sessions that help people connect with their wisdom, intuition and innate knowledge so that they can create the life they truly desire.


I’ve been doing this work for over 15 years, but my path to getting here wasn’t easy. Like many of my clients, I’ve struggled with people-pleasing and have had to work hard to hear my inner voice. I know what it feels like to be at the mercy of everyone else’s advice and opinions without knowing how to follow my own heart.


Energy work is what brought me back to myself. Today, I use my skills to help others break through patterns and belief systems that prevent personal satisfaction. My clients often come seeking joy and my aim is to help remove unseen blocks and barriers in order for them to access a deeper sense of self and fulfillment.

My Readings Are For People Who…

  • Are genuinely ready to be connected to themselves emotionally and spiritually;
  • Have a strong sense of accountability and agency;
  • Are ready to take inspired action towards the change they desire;
  • Comfortable being uncomfortable.

But My Readings Are Not For People Who…

  • Are waiting for the universe to show up on their doorstep;
  • Are looking for predictions about the future: I believe in free will and the power to shape your own path;
  • Are looking for me to tell them what to do.

If this sounds like you, I’d love for us to work together. Click the button below to book.

Book Your Energetic Ethnography Session Now

60-Minute Session

If you’re not sure where to begin, book an hour. During an hour we can explore several questions & topics & will include healing.

30-Minute Session

A thirty-minute session is great for delving deep into a single question &/or healing request. Alternatively, two to three questions can be answered in thirty minutes.

Cancellation and No-Show Policies

Late Cancellations:

Canceling less than 24 hours before your session will forfeit your session. NO REFUNDS.

Early Cancellations:

For cancellations made more than 24 hours in advance, please consider rescheduling. If rescheduling is not possible, contact Cyndi Maurer, PhD directly at cyndi@intotheknown.com.


Failure to show up for your session will forfeit your session. NO REFUNDS.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Reschedule Policy

  • You are welcome to reschedule your appointment at any time up until 24 hours before your session.
  • Please use the link in your confirmation email to reschedule your appointment.
  • If you need to reschedule into the unknown future, please cancel your appointment & use the reschedule link in your confirmation email when you’re ready to reschedule.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

 Into the Known 

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