Unlocking Harmony & Balance for Kids, Teens, & Families

Are you seeking effective strategies to foster a healthy & balanced family environment? Do you want to empower your kids & teens with the tools they need to navigate their emotions & build their confidence? I’m here to help!

I was 7 when Nickelodeon announced their Declaration of Kids' Rights. I was 14 when I asked my World Civ teacher why kids who were tried as adults didn’t have a jury filled with peers their own age. I was also 14 when I debated with my World Civ teacher that a child working as a chimney sweeper had the right to decline the job, which ultimately led to his death. I was born imbued with the belief that there are universal rights that should apply to people regardless of age. And I have since spent a lifetime advocating that children & teens are agentic beings who influence & are influenced by the world around them & have the right to be seen & heard.

When I work with kids, teens, & families, I meet them where they are. I see each member of the family as an individual with different experiences & histories regardless of the shared experience. And whether I work with a single child or teen or the whole family, it’s always my goal to provide a neutral space where kids & teens can express themselves & be heard by an adult who is not family.

In working with kids, teens, & families, my personal goal is that each individual feels seen & heard to foster a supportive & understanding environment. Unlike traditional approaches, I focus on the energy dynamics within the family & incorporate insights from Childhood Studies, Psychology, & Anthropology to create customized solutions that are reflective of each individual as well as the family system as a whole.

Expected Results:

💫 Improved communication within the family

💫 A more balanced family system

💫 Enhanced understanding of individual needs


Cyndi Maurer, PhD

Cyndi Maurer, PhD

The Energetic Ethnographer

My Goal is to Help Families...

Meditation &

Mindfulness Techniques

Equip your kids & teens with practical tools to cultivate inner peace & focus.

Family Mediation

: Act as a bridge between parents & kids/teens, facilitating communication & understanding when emotions run high.

Emotional Regulation

Help your children understand & express their feelings, uncovering the root causes of their emotions.

Behavioral Solutions

Provide simple yet effective strategies to tackle everyday communication & behavioral challenges within the family.

Identity & Confidence Development

Guide kids & teens in discovering their unique identities & building self-confidence.

Energy Work for Highly Sensitive Kids/Teens

Create customized curriculums for those inclined towards energy work, helping them harness their abilities for healthy growth.

When Your Family Works With Me, Together We Will...

Develop a Balanced & Healthy Family System

I am dedicated to helping create a harmonious environment where every family member feels heard and valued. Together, we can develop a balanced and healthy family system that fosters mutual respect and understanding.

Gain New Approaches to Behavior Management

I teach innovative techniques for managing behavior, rewards, and consequences. With my guidance, gain effective strategies to address various behavioral challenges, promoting positive changes and a supportive family dynamic.

Neutral Third-Party Perspective

Benefit from my insights as a neutral third party with a lifetime of experience and years of formal education. My extensive knowledge and expertise help navigate complex family dynamics with objectivity and compassion.

Tailored Strategies for Your Unique Family Dynamics

Every family is unique, and my services reflect that. I provide personalized strategies based on the specific needs and dynamics of each family, ensuring that my approach is effective and relevant to the situation.

Client Experiences

 Into the Known 

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