Experience the Power of Healing Spaces

Feeling a bit off today? Perhaps your space isn’t conducive to you performing at your peak.

Have you ever been somewhere & immediately knew something was off?

Perhaps you were ready to purchase your first home & the listing had all the makings that it would be the perfect place for you, but the moment you walked into the space, you couldn’t see yourself living there? Do you ever go into your workplace & feel like something is off? Or, have you ever been to a truly haunted house?

Like much of the manifested world, physical spaces hold energy.

Energy from you & others who frequent the space will impact the energy. Previous tenants, builders, inspectors, the land itself, - the list is endless - all impact physical spaces & what energy is amplified & how they interact with you & those around you. Physical space healings offer insight & healings to your home or business space.

We’ll look at the current energies impacting the space, including your personal experiences, no matter how unreal they may appear. We’ll clear & move out any spirits that don’t belong &/or have become intrusive. We can explore previous residents & owners as well as look at the energy of the land. Our goal with physical space healing is to help reset your space & align it with your desired outcomes.

Want to learn more about physical space healings? Book a consultation! 

Discounts are available for Realtors.

Common Questions

Can this be done over Zoom?

Absolutely! As a clairvoyant, I rely on my ability to see energy, which is easier over Zoom. If you would like an in-person space healing, please email me directly at cyndi@intotheknown.com.

Will it help my productivity?

After the initial healing, we can set the various spaces in your house to reflect the energies necessary there. For example, we can set your office to being productive & your bedroom to calmness & relaxation for restful sleep.

Will it impact other people in the space? What about my pets?

Yes! It is likely that anyone you share space with will be impacted by the space healing with the desired outcome being that it is for the betterment of everyone. During the session, we can look at those who share the space, including animals. Your pets are likely to enjoy the shift, as many of them are tiny healers who have probably been trying to help you maintain the space & move out incompatible energies.

Will this help me sell my home?

If you’re in the process of selling (or buying) a home, a space healing can be particularly impactful. I will help move out any blocks to the space that makes it challenging for potential buyers to see how they might use the space. If you’re buying, I can read the space & share any challenges you may face.

What changes can I expect?

Like all energetic experiences, what changes occur is dependent on a range of factors, including your openness & awareness. For the most part, people do notice an immediate shift in their space. This may be the way the house feels or it may be the absence of energy that didn’t belong. If you’ve been experiencing out of the norm occurrences, those are likely to end as well. Your sleep quality will likely improve too!

Are there ways to maintain the health of my space?

Yep! During your call I can make recommendations on things you can do daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, &/or yearly to maintain the energetic shifts that have occurred. I will work with you & what is feasible (& likely) for you to maintain.

 Into the Known 

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